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Writer's pictureJaclyn St James

She's Back and Raring to Go!

She's Back! Jaclyn St James has started her new season of shows and outings! After a two month hiatus Jaclyn has taken then time to schedule in new tapings of shows, working on her weight issues, tanning and magazine. We caught up with Jaclyn St James last night in downtown Wilton Manors and asked her a few things.

C- So are you coming back to us now that you have been missing in action?

J- Of course, I always take January and July off to prepare for the upcoming season of videos.

This last year I have been slack in the video department for I have been very busy with the magazine, but I do miss doing them.

C- We also noticed that you haven't been to Hunters on your usual Sunday nights anything wrong?

J- No not at all in fact I so want to be there now! I love Hunters, they all are like family to me and have always been there for me! Again I took time away to be my boy-self and to see where I wanted to take her but found out that I really just wanted to do what I have been doing. I have revamped my videos and just speaking from my office instead of the whole green screen thing which is very time consuming. I also realized that I should have just taken a weekend and did all the videos for the year instead of each week. I a mean i used to do 5 videos a week on top of the charity work and fundraising and outings, it just got to be too much.

C- So what shows are you doing now?

J- Well Elegance and Sophistication will be monthly and that is geared to fashion,home entertaining and so forth. I am also bringing back Coffee Time Moments- small not as long videos about anything really. For that one there are a few months for May and June where I have broken them down into 3 part series. I also am gonna be throwing out some reruns,I mean I have them might as well throw them out there!

C- So when is your first day back?

J- Already sent out one video this month geared towards the 2018 Men's Spring and Summer Fashion Trends! I will be making my first appearance February 11th at Hunters for their DiscoT-Dance! And hopefully will be there for all the Sunday disco nights at Hunters for February.

C- Speaking of T-dances, we were there one time an a video of you was playing on the main screen a song that you did, anymore to come, so many people loved that?

J- Well I did do a video a song called Home by Tracy Hamlin from the Wiz. I was asked by DJ RIchie Rich to do it and he then pieced the video together with the three that I had made. Not sure if I will be asked again for it as amazing to be put up with some of the greatest divas of all like Donna Summer and Gloria Gaynor. I do know some people loved it and pointed me out on the dance floor. It was a great experience. Nothing is in the works as of now and I haven't been asked so we will see you never know!

C- So how is the magazine going?

J- Well it's great and numbers have been up with the new nude centerfold and revamped webpage! People really seem to love it and we are getting subscribers from all over the world so its really exciting to know that my magazine is being read in Africa and Australia. Its a great feeling of accomplishment.

C- So Rupaul's Drag race who are your favorites?

J- I don't watch, sorry to say but I don't care for it anymore. I used to watch and I loved it but then it I don't know seems to be like a side show at a circus. I am not a drag queen and I respect those who are. I miss the old days of drag and I know that things have changed but not for me. I look at it at as art. I am a female impersonator. I think to me the show seems to make the girls do things less relevant with being a drag queen. I myself like to use myself as a voice, to help the people that do or support the people or cause that needs to be, not ridicule or put down someone for fun or to do some kind of weird test, its just not what I want to do with my so called drag work. I am not one for dancing and singing on stage, its not me, although I love a great show and respect all the girls that do it for it takes a lot of work. For me though I like to consider myself as more of a socialite and down to earth girl. People have grown to love Jaclyn or hate her. I love all the people that love her and would do just about anything for my fans. For those that hate her well I have learned now not to even worry about them for there is no reason to get all upset for there are a far more people who love me then hate me and they count and matter to me.

C- Well I for one adore you and I know I have said this before England had there England"s rose with Diana and we have our American rose with you! How did you decide to be this kinda of female impersonator? And will we get the pleasure of seeing you around for a while?

J- Well thank you Jason, I adore you too. Yes you have said that before and not the first I might add. I have always been this way and feel it's just in me. I have joked around and felt like Diana is inside me, I feel her there, I adore her. Last year I read her book and we do think a lot a like and have had similar issues in life although nothing compared to hers but I do feel I could relate to her. Honestly Jaclyn is not an act or character, I think Jaclyn is just the girl inside me and who I would be if I was a woman. It's like living with two people in this body and no I am not gonna do the change for I am happy being a guy and love being a gay man. But I just get to release the feminine side inside of me that most men fail or are to afraid to investigate or let out. So I kinda get to live two lives but it does seem she has takin over lol. But my other half is there somewhere or when need to be. I do plan on doing this for a while not sure for how long but for now I am here for you.>

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